(Source:www.oracledba.in: Author: Ritesh Singh)
- See more at: http://www.oracledba.in/Articles/display_article.aspx?article_id=53#sthash.LGmxsq17.dpuf
I have been asked many time about buffer busy wait event, how to identify the bottleneck and objects being involved into it.
Well let me explain you with a simulated example.
In Oracle, when a particular block is being used by multiple process at the same time, the block is treated as Hot, the ITL Entry
for the block has to maintain the list of transaction in the block header. Contention for the blocks leads to Enqueues / ITL Waits
latches and Buffer Busy waits.
If Session 1 tries to access a block and till the time read is not completed in the buffer, the block would have a latch acquired, at the
same time if there would be another session trying to access the same blocks, one have to wait for the latch availability and then the
read to the buffer be completed by other session.
There is no fixup resolution to avoid buffer busy wait, rather than to reduce the contention in the blocks and allow quick read to the blocks
by session.
If you are seeing lots of buffer busy waits, its better to tune queries by reducing the number of blocks it accesses. A block may be visited
unnecessarily many times. Spread data across blocks if its a contention in the indexes by using Reverse key indexes.
Lets see a demonstration of how to simulate a Buffer Busy Wait scenario and how to find out object part of buffer busy wait.
Login to your database as sys user
SQL> create user ritesh identified by pass; User created. SQL> grant dba to ritesh; Grant succeeded. SQL> grant select on v_$session to ritesh; Grant succeeded.
Now Connect to Ritesh User and create a table with 10000 records and check the number of blocks in the table.
SQL> conn ritesh/pass Connected. SQL> SQL> create table t nologging as select rownum t1,rownum+1 t2 from dual connect by level<=10000; Table created. SQL> select blocks from user_segments where segment_name='T'; BLOCKS ---------- 24
The Next thing would be to create a package which will allow me to access the same set of blocks from multiple session at the
same time.
Package would have one select procedure and two update procedure updaing different columns of the table at the same row.
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY GEN_BUF_BUSY AS FUNCTION RetDSQL(p_sql IN VARCHAR2) RETURN t_RefCur as v_RetCur t_RefCur; BEGIN OPEN v_RetCur FOR p_sql; RETURN v_RetCur; end RETDSQL; PROCEDURE RUNSELECT as cursor dummy is select * from t; c1 t_refcur; rec dummy%rowtype; begin for i in 1..1000000 loop c1:=retDSQL('select * from t'); loop fetch c1 into rec; exit when c1%notfound; end loop; close c1; end loop; end RUNSELECT; PROCEDURE RUNUPDATE1 as BEGIN for i in 1..1000000 loop update t set t1=rownum; commit; end loop; END RUNUPDATE1; PROCEDURE RUNUPDATE2 as BEGIN for i in 1..1000000 loop update t set t2=rownum; commit; end loop; END RUNUPDATE2; procedure kill_session(p_username varchar2) as cursor c1 is select sid,serial# from sys.v_$session where username=p_username; rec c1%rowtype; begin open c1; loop fetch c1 into rec; exit when c1%notfound; execute immediate 'alter system kill session '''||rec.sid||','||rec.serial#||''''; end loop; end; end GEN_BUF_BUSY; /
Now open Six sessions
Session 1 : SYS User
Session 2 : RITESH
Session 3 : RITESH
Session 4 : RITESH
Session 5 : RITESH
Session 6 : RITESH
and run the following procedures
exec GEN_BUF_BUSY.runUPDATE1; -- Run on SESSION 2 exec GEN_BUF_BUSY.runUPDATE2; -- Run on SESSION 3 exec GEN_BUF_BUSY.runSELECT; -- Run on SESSION 4 exec GEN_BUF_BUSY.runSELECT; -- Run on SESSION 5 exec GEN_BUF_BUSY.runSELECT; -- Run on SESSION 6
From session one monitor by following queries
SQL> select event,p1,p2,p3 from v$session_wait where sid in 2 (select sid from v$session where username='RITESH'); EVENT P1 P2 P3 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- buffer busy waits 4 16234 1 buffer busy waits 4 16227 1 log buffer space 0 0 0 latch: cache buffers chains 8.7934E+12 150 0 enq: TX - row lock contention 1415053318 524312 2368
P1 stands for File id and P2 stands for Block id when you work with Buffer Busy Waits, Remeber each wait has differente meaning for
P1 and P2.
Now run the following command to identify the object the wait belongs to
SQL> alter system dump datafile 4 block 16227; System altered.
This will generate a trace file at user_dump_dest, please find your spid to identify the trace file
SQL> select spid from v$process 2 where addr= 3 (select paddr from v$session 4 where sid=(select distinct sid from v$mystat)) 5 SQL> / SPID ------------------------ 3968
Go to User_Dump_dest and see the trace file, open it in notepad and identify the content with seg/obj#
Block header dump: 0x01003f63 Object id on Block? Y seg/obj: 0x10fc6 csc: 0x00.7456c0 itc: 3 flg: E typ: 1 - DATA brn: 0 bdba: 0x1003f60 ver: 0x01 opc: 0 inc: 0 exflg: 0
use the seg/obj# from the trace file and run the following command to identify the object.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION HEX2DEC (hexnum IN CHAR) RETURN NUMBER IS i NUMBER; digits NUMBER; result NUMBER := 0; current_digit CHAR(1); current_digit_dec NUMBER; BEGIN digits := LENGTH(hexnum); FOR i IN 1..digits LOOP current_digit := SUBSTR(hexnum, i, 1); IF current_digit IN ('A','B','C','D','E','F') THEN current_digit_dec := ASCII(current_digit) - ASCII('A') + 10; ELSE current_digit_dec := TO_NUMBER(current_digit); END IF; result := (result * 16) + current_digit_dec; END LOOP; RETURN result; END hex2dec;
You can also use calculator to convert hex to decimal
then use this
SQL> select owner,object_name from dba_objects where data_object_id=hex2dec(upper('10fc6')); OWNER OBJECT_NAME ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- RITESH T
This is one of the way to identify the block contending for Buffer busy waits, In the next articles i would demonstrate on how to troubleshoot
or reduce the buffer busy waits on a database.
Please check the video for practical demonstration of the written article.
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